Monday, June 18, 2012

Speaking of Finishing

This is a picture taken during my first month of collage. I was a contestant in a ward Halloween party rendition of The Fear Factor. (I was a Jackson Pollock painting. Obviously.)

My hair has a teased "bump," and I'm pretty sure there is a zig-zag part separating my braids. I tell you this so you can mark the time passed.

Fast forward four years and 136 college credits later....

And here I am celebrating with my family (on my birthday) my psuedo-graduation at Disneyland. Which was really the completion of student teaching since I still had half of an online class to finish.

Let me tell you. That was one brutal class. I'll spare you all of the agonizing details, just know that it was so brutal it took me three months after Disneyland to even get seriously motivated to finish my class and another two months after that until this...

A sushi dinner, courtesy of Joe, to celebrate finishing my last college essay.

And 25 days later...

I take my last final. See how far I've come?* 

Which is to say...I finished collage. 

*Actually, notice how my face is almost the exact same in the first and last picture?


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I am ever so proud of you for hanging in there and getting it done. Way. to. go.

I think it's funny that today when I talked to you on the phone I asked you what you were going to do to celebrate taking the test and you said that Joe said you'd celebrated enough!

Guess what? NOW you can put together your graduation present! I can't wait to see it.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Hey! Now I know why you haven't been posting. Your brain was anxiously engaged in a good, but boring cause.

Lilly Leonard said...

The picture of you at Disneyland is so priceless. I seriously love it! That's the Ande I know and love! And that is one big accomplishment! Congrats!!

abe said...

Congrats, dork! I'm proud of you!

Brenda Goodrich said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You have the greatest smile in every picture. Tell Joe that you can never celebrate enough!

Cali said...

WAHOOOOO! I feel like I've been riding this roller-coaster with you, because I'm just as excited as you for the post graduation gift to be opened. I loved the pictures of you and LOVED imagining your zig-zag part. More time for us to play now. Ande, I'm so proud you DID it.


Rachel said...

WOOT!!!!!!!!!!! You did it! Good job, Ande! And you did it so cutely too!

Rachel said...

By the way, I LOVE your hair!

Julie said...

Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment and you will be so glad later that you did it! And I agree with can never celebrate enough!

Michelle said...


Courtney said...

Yeeeehawww!! Mummies here we come ;)

Rachel said...

Is it bad if I still love hair bumps? It helps my nostalgia for the big eighties hair. I'm so proud of you!

melanie said...

Congrats Ande!

I love your dark hair.