Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Life in My World...

...Is basically trying to keep that hat in place.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. He looks like a smurf sometimes when that thing slides down over his eyes.

How much longer till we get to see him again? I really, really miss you all.

Rachel said...

That's funny. :o) What a sweet baby.

Nicole said...

I love it! You are one busy mom!

abe said...

Ha ha...he's definitely going to be a thug.

Michelle said...

Hahaha that's pretty funny. I gave up on hats after about two weeks because they wouldn't stay in place. Of course Afton's would always slide up (and off) instead of down like little Zeph. He is such a cute kid Ande. I can't wait to finally meet him.

Cali said...

And we shall call him homie. This was witty and made me laugh out loud.

melanie said...

You're doing such a good job with those hats. The first one is my favorite.

Cassidy said...

I love it. I love it all!

Lynn C. Jaynes said...

Yes, hats....that's what ears are for- to hook the hats to. Think about it, what other purpose do they possibly serve?

And who looks good in hats anyway- just ask Queen Elizabeth.

Love you.