Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ice Pick

Google Chrome didn't auto-fill in my own blog name when I typed it in the URL box this morning. Guess it's been longer than I thought.

Truth be told I've been wondering how to re-start blogging. Just jumping in felt wrong. Doing a catch-all post felt overwhelming.

Ice, consider yourself broken.


Haley Krumblis said...

We seem to be having the same problem. Glad we are starting back together!!! Can't wait for a dump all:) Overwhelming or not, put in a good movie and you start those downloads!

Michelle said...

This made me smile this morning. I'm glad you're going to start again!

And for the record, Google Chrome just autofilled the Papa John's Pizza website for me...

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Oh ho, that's funny.

So glad you're thinking of jumping in. It only takes your breath away for a minute, then it feels all natural like.

Michelle's comment made me smile, too.

(guess what my robot text was: generousIAM well, it had a couple of extra letters, but I had to guess them so I'm going with generous I AM)

Rachel said...

I missed me some Ande.

mommar said...

Woohoo!! Can't wait to get caught up on all your adventures.......