I parked on campus the other day after hours. I never drive to classes so I don’t have a parking sticker so if I am going to park on campus it is only after 4:00pm.
As luck would have it my car wouldn’t start late at night.
Maybe I should back up. A couple of weeks ago I broke my key in half. One half remains on the key ring while the other half is in the ignition. I can normally get it to start just fine if I don’t lock the key when I turn it off.
Late Thursday night I drove to a building on campus. I was on the phone and when I turned the car off I forgot my car has a personality and let my key lock. Now the ignition won’t turn. And it’s stuck on campus.
So in my greatest attempts to not get a ticket (I have issues with the parking rules in college towns that might deserve a blog post all to its own) I wrote a note and stuck it on my windshield.
Here is the note:
As luck would have it my car wouldn’t start late at night.
Maybe I should back up. A couple of weeks ago I broke my key in half. One half remains on the key ring while the other half is in the ignition. I can normally get it to start just fine if I don’t lock the key when I turn it off.
Late Thursday night I drove to a building on campus. I was on the phone and when I turned the car off I forgot my car has a personality and let my key lock. Now the ignition won’t turn. And it’s stuck on campus.
So in my greatest attempts to not get a ticket (I have issues with the parking rules in college towns that might deserve a blog post all to its own) I wrote a note and stuck it on my windshield.
Here is the note:
I thought it was a pretty good note. I would have let someone off if I was a part of the campus police just for writing such a nice note…or on the grounds of creativity, if nothing else.
Maybe from now on I will refer to the campus police as “Immoral Heartless Money Suckers” because this is what I found on my windshield Friday…with my note tucked inside as if to taunt me. You can bet this baby is going to get appealed. I even said please…with an underline…and pictures! My note was even gender non-specific!
In conclusion…my car = awesome. Immoral Heartless Money Suckers = not so awesome.