Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Because you understand. Right? About my lack of blogging I mean. Student teaching was no small time-suck. Then my graduation celebration at Disneyland (because who likes Rexburg in the winter?). Then the Holidays. Then January (which is never as productive as I hope). And then...and then. Well. Here we are. Thanks for understanding.

Though really you should be grateful for the wait as it drummed up a new word for "U". My previous choice was "udders" was a doozy.


Haley Krumblis said...

Hey now, don't dog Rexburg in the Winter! This is one of the few years where we haven't gotten snow and it has been in the 40's through December! Although I probably would have picked Disneyland too:) Glad you're back. Can't wait for more.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I'm exUberant that you're ready to post again. Tell us about your favorite student teaching experience.

Cali said...

Hahaha. I want to have the Udders post. A cow udder right? If you do, it will mean we have BOTH broken our silent vow... not to talk about body parts on the blog.

Michelle said...

I want udders!

morgan larsen said...

Yeah! You are back! I didn't even get to really talk to you at book club so I feel like I don't know what is going on in your life. We will have to remedy that problem this month.

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

I am celebrating ande's return!